Broom Bridge residents

Polylactic Acid, Soil, Moss, Flock
80cm x 60cm x 60cm
Exhibited at DIVA, Dublin, Ireland May 2023

In 1843, the Irish mathematician William Hamilton was engrossed in developing methods to represent three-dimensional space mathematically. One day, as he walked across Broom Bridge in Dublin, Ireland, a spark of inspiration struck him. He realized the necessity of adding a fourth dimension to his calculations to accurately represent the third dimension. This revelation was so sudden that he immediately carved the equation into the stone of the bridge. Today, we recognize this equation as a quaternion.

Quaternions serve as the foundation for modern computer rendering and CGI. Without these equations, the concept of higher-dimensional space would not exist. The first truly extra-human object ever conceived, an entity one 'dimension' beyond everything we know. When contemplating an object of such a unique nature in this universe, that object has no choice but to depart from the mind of its creator and float around Dublin for eternity.










Plum, linden, plastic eye


Plum,Teak, String



Speculative Cartographies

AR Sculptures and 3D scans

The Speculative Cartographies exhibtion encompassed a spatialised sound walk and location activated AR scupltuers. The sound walk was an interactive score of four movements that was activated by the visitor’s GPS position relative to four locations spanning the borderlands of Kreuzberg, Neukölln and Alt-Treptow. Each sonic movement contained audio collected during events at their respective locations interwoven with spoken extracts from Isaac Asimov’s ‘The Last Question’ - each with its owndistinct aesthetic atmosphere composed in reaction to the location and its events.

Each AR scuplture was inspired by interviews, conversations, predictions and stories from members of the public concerning the four questions we pro- posed in each location. Through augmented reality we are attempting to give form to a collective imagination, and represent how the future of public space might be.

Artistic Direction - Gianni Laneri 
Digital Artist - Rory Malone 
Composition, System Design - David Mathúna
Narrator - Marjolein van der Meer 
Invited Artists - OnOffCollective,  Strolling, Juraj Horňák, Studio Childish 

These are some of the AR sculptures that I made for the exhibition Speculative Cartographies. During the program of the exhibition we held a series of events in multiple places around Fixotek with the aim of inspiring members of the public to think about their relationship with public space and how that relationship might change in the future.

Each of these sculptures is based off predictions ,speculations and dreams, collected from members of the public, of how urban space might change in the future . Each sculpture was GPS positioned in the site where it's interview was conducted.

Loving Grace ?

CG Images

This body of work uses computer-generated images to challenge the notion of autonomous thought within digital manifestations of the future. Through the lens of robot breath, the reality of autonomous action within the machine is flipped back and forth between the miraculous and the coincidental.


“The Cougar 20-H is a robot with the ability to hear breath through walls. With funding from the U.S. military the robot is equipped with a panel of ultra-wideband radio frequency sensors, remote control functionality, and integrated cameras for day and night time visibility.

The robot that is so sensitive it can not only detect motion through walls but, to ensure no one goes unnoticed, it can also detect the breathing of a stationary person.”


All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace

I like to think (and
the sooner the better!)
of a cybernetic meadow
where mammals and computers
live together in mutually
programming harmony
like pure water
touching clear sky.

I like to think
(right now, please!)
of a cybernetic forest
filled with pines and electronics
where deer stroll peacefully
past computers
as if they were flowers
with spinning blossoms.

I like to think
(it has to be!)
of a cybernetic ecology
where we are free of our labors
and joined back to nature,
returned to our mammal
brothers and sisters,
and all watched over
by machines of loving grace.

- Richard Brautigan


       Cultural importance:
It has been a Western tradition for someone to blow on the seedhead and think of a wish they wanted to come true.





© rory malone 2023