Broom Bridge residents

Polylactic Acid, Soil, Moss, Flock
80cm x 60cm x 60cm
Exhibited at DIVA, Dublin, Ireland May 2023

In 1843, the Irish mathematician William Hamilton was engrossed in developing methods to represent three-dimensional space mathematically. One day, as he walked across Broom Bridge in Dublin, Ireland, a spark of inspiration struck him. He realized the necessity of adding a fourth dimension to his calculations to accurately represent the third dimension. This revelation was so sudden that he immediately carved the equation into the stone of the bridge. Today, we recognize this equation as a quaternion.

Quaternions serve as the foundation for modern computer rendering and CGI. Without these equations, the concept of higher-dimensional space would not exist. The first truly extra-human object ever conceived, an entity one 'dimension' beyond everything we know. When contemplating an object of such a unique nature in this universe, that object has no choice but to depart from the mind of its creator and float around Dublin for eternity.







© rory malone 2023